Weight Loss with Nutritional Planning and Medication

Weight Loss with Nutritional Planning and Medication
Weight Loss with Nutritional Planning and Medication

Losing weight and keeping it off long-term is a struggle for many people. Over the years there have been countless promise-filled diets that rarely provide people with sustainable weight loss. Due to medical advances, there are multiple options to help overweight individuals lose weight. Those with a significant amount of weight to lose usually have incredible results with bariatric surgery, but many people choose to try non-surgical options first.

If you have tried several of the diet and exercise programs available, but have not experienced long-term success, you may be interested in a different approach. Nutritional planning as well as weight loss medications such as GLP-1 have helped countless people in their weight-loss journey.

Nutritional planning using a program such as OPTIFAST® can be quite effective. OPTIFAST® is a medically supervised weight-loss program that provides counseling and support, to promote weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. It includes meal replacements in the form of shakes, soups, bars, and snacks. This low-calorie diet plan provides essential nutrients and promotes satiety. It can be used as a stand-alone diet but also as preparation for bariatric surgery. The program typically lasts 12-24 weeks but in the case of surgery prep, between 2-4 weeks. Using OPTIFAST® for a few weeks can shrink your liver and aid in weight loss to ensure you have a more successful surgery.

You may have heard about GLP-1 medications with their rising popularity among celebrities of Hollywood. Countless people are taking injections of this FDA-approved weight loss medication. GLP-1 medications are an injectable type of medicine used to treat obesity. It was initially developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes but has been found to help significantly with weight loss. GLP-1 medications help to lower blood sugar, slow the digestion of food(to keep you feeling fuller longer), and decrease appetite.

Make an appointment with Dr. Vohra today so he can determine which type of weight loss avenue is right for you!

Dr. Rajeev Vohra is a board-certified Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He specializes in laparoscopic and bariatric procedures and has successfully performed more than 10,000 surgeries over his 30+ year career. Dr. Vohra has dedicated his career to providing patients in New York with the highest quality and most compassionate care.

  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
  • The American Board of Surgery
  • American Medical Association