What is Weight Loss Concierge Care?

What is Weight Loss Concierge Care?
What is Weight Loss Concierge Care?

When it comes to losing weight, there’s not a one size fits all approach. Millions of Americans try various diet and exercise plans every year and some experience great success while others fail miserably. Losing weight is not easy, especially on your own. Weight loss concierge care is a patient-focused, highly personalized, weight loss program. Your physician walks through every step of your weight loss journey with you. Some of the benefits include.

Personalized weight loss program: Your doctor will create a plan to meet your specific needs. You will be given a variety of options such as medications, nutritional planning, patient education, exercise regimens, and bariatric surgery including revisional bariatric surgery.

Medical Supervision: You will be supervised during your weight loss journey. Whether you have bariatric surgery or use non-surgical treatments, your doctor will be available to you every step of the way. The goal is to empower the patient and make any adjustments needed throughout the weight-loss journey.

Accessibility: As a concierge care patient, you are given a higher level of access to your doctor. You have the luxury of quicker appointments and exclusive direct contact with your physician.

One-on-one patient care: Nothing compares to a doctor spending time listening to your concerns and wellness goals. Your doctor will get to know you and your history so they can create a specific wellness plan unique to you.

Dedicated to long-term success: Unlike other wellness programs, your doctor is dedicated to ensuring you have long-term success because healthy living is a journey, not a destination. Concierge care is not a quick-fix approach, but rather an ongoing program that will help you meet your goals and sustain them.

Concierge services provide patients with a supportive environment throughout their weight-loss journey. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of concierge care, give us a call today. Dr.Vohra can meet with you and customize an effective and sustainable weight-loss plan specifically for you.

Dr. Rajeev Vohra is a board-certified Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He specializes in laparoscopic and bariatric procedures and has successfully performed more than 10,000 surgeries over his 30+ year career. Dr. Vohra has dedicated his career to providing patients in New York with the highest quality and most compassionate care.

  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
  • The American Board of Surgery
  • American Medical Association